Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Date a guy who blogs aimlessly

Date a guy who blogs aimlessly. Date him because he understands that more often than not, there are things more important than writing. Date him because he knows that it’s more important to think than it is to put those thoughts to paper. Date someone who reads, not just to emote over the content of a book but to take a leaf out of it and keep it in his pocket for whenever required. Find someone who would spend more time outside book stores. He’d rather sit in a cafe and have a conversation with you than drown himself in a book, the content of which he won’t even remember a year later. More importantly, date him because you won’t be embarrassed if you take him to a place which is not a bookstore, for a change.

Try and find out about his interests and you’d be surprised to learn that there’d be no pattern to them. And why is that exciting? Because even after you’ve spent quite sometime to get to know him, you’d always find an element of surprise, a moment which makes you go “Ahan”, and you’d never be sure whether to put an exclamation or a question mark after that. Date him because in the days running up to his birthday you’ll experience overwhelming intellectual stimuli – “what could be the present this time!” It’s not as easy as buying a book (A BOOK??? Really?). And it doesn’t stop there, on your days; you’d receive something that would usually be out of the ordinary. Remember the ‘surprise element’? Therefore, date him ‘cause he’d make you a better person. He's one bloody good self-help book personified (oooh la la!).

A guy who blogs aimlessly, reads aimlessly. This aimlessness leads him to read everything and anything – books, newspapers, pamphlets, graffiti, hoardings, recipes, menus (food or no food), comics, horoscopes, technology, politics, sports, magazines, sensex, cheques, ads, SALE SALE SALE, “33% Extra”, bills, “Stick no bills”, Chernobyl! Phewww! He’s just so easy to talk to and share. Talk to him about anything. He’s a good listener. Yes, a good listener – never heard of that one before? Well, stop dating anybody and everybody then. This guy, right here, can lead you to believe that it’s often simpler than it’s made out to be. He reads just enough to understand that the trick of life lies in juggling it and not holding on to it.
This guy, aimless blogger and reader, also carries a potentially unrivaled sense of humour. So all those complaints about your guy being a dodo, in spite of being very good looking, rich, flamboyant, etc. are taken care of. Sounds like a Teleshopping advertisement? It might well turn out to be that. Expect him to do anything, in public or private, which makes sure you have a smiling face, if not a laughing one. He lives to see you smile! Tell him you love him and wait for his reaction that might never show up.

Grab him, with both hands, because his idea of romance does not begin and end with a candlelight dinner followed by a purple night. He finds romance everywhere. He might find it while helping you with the laundry, or maybe while assisting you when doing the dishes. He could ask you to help him wipe those tears while he’s chopping the onions, and that might do the trick too. Take him, because for him everything is romantic when you’re around. And if you happen to wake up at 2am, you’ll find him clutching you instead of a goddamn book. He’s got so much love to give, without expecting much in return. He loves you and it’s none of your business.

Dare you lie to him! Because that might mean that you understand syntax very well, and in turn, are good at computer science – there goes the Saturday evening!!! Less importantly, if you lie to him, you fail him. He’s not there to scare you, but to make sure he’s there for you when everything else seems scary. To tell you that it’s never too late to get up, dust off and resume. He knows where to separate the imaginary from reality. He’ll make you strong.

He understands that those gentle nudges, subtle gestures, slaps on the wrists are nothing but love. What’s ironic is that he’d love it when you reprimand him. He needs you to dominate often. To take control. To lead. He needs to take orders, every now and then. And what about his ego? He knows it doesn’t work with you!

Date a guy who blogs aimlessly because there’ll be a day when he writes his best piece and it’ll be about you.

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