Friday, November 2, 2007


think, think, think a little over what you've been doing!

oh, wait a minute! don't start thinking from the day that you were established (you'd not be able to do that anyway). start thinking from as long back as you can.

(let me tell you this in the very beginning itself - please ignore the grammatical errors. it's 0407 hrs right now!)

think a little before you think the way you think. think a little over the way you've acted. think a little over what's going on here! do you know? keep reading.

pause a little. wait a little. think a little. COMMA A LITTLE... not only when you write, even when you act. you might be a writer, maybe a journalist, a blogger [:)], a freaskster, or maybe a THINKER. still, think a little.

it's such a teensy-weensy bit ---> (,), but means such a might-hefty lot.

a comma before and after everything makes you raymond - the complete man! no, no, no, it makes you a better person. yeah, a bet...ter, person! yes, i'''''m sure.

i do not know what's happening here. blogging usually happens to me, err... i usually happen to blogging either when my mind's been thinking for quite sometime, one... or two, my mind's been in a state of numb for quite sometime. i do not know what reason is it this time. i might not know it tomorrow either. all i know is that Diwali is round the corner, so comma a little before you fire the fire-crackers to crack them up (and make the world a more polluted place to live in).

PLAY SAFE! comma a little.

P.S. - please... think a little before you think that this post is issued in public interest for safe diwali. NO! it has not been. comma a little...

Just an FYI - i've used as many as 20 commas in this post. that's quite a lot of thought that's been put into it! :)


Nitwit Blubber Oddment Tweak said...


*Stares gain*


Run For the Trees said...

"think a little before you think the way you think" somehow reminds of the concept of Self Talk that I just learnt in the training of Emotional Intelligence.It's a great concept and you seem to know about it without attending any training :)

Anubhav Mishra said...

Hehe, easier said and typed than done, I think