Sunday, December 30, 2007

notes to myself

it had to, had to, had to be today. today, when 2007 is celebrating its first anniversary, and co-incidentally, its a hippo-happy birthday for 2008. almost two months now since he last visited this place. has been on and off since then, the way he feels about himself.

just last night, he wrote to a female that he likes her name and feels his life is a highway and its been getting on the only nerve he has. he has never suffered from such a lack of thought wherein he wants to message but does know what to. even the radio was playing dard-e-disco at that time. but then he didn't want that message to funnel down into negativity, so he just asked her for a babies' day out... and pop came the reply... "what do you mean by a babies' day out?". the energy to describe and explain had drained by then. somethings are meant to be explained, somethings are meant to be said and explained... for everything else you have him!

anyway, he just wanna say... why bother with what happened yesterday! but if he says he's been perfectly alright, he'd be lying. you possibly cannot be perfectly alright at any possible time of possibility. however, unless and until, time and again, you go all-out to reach for the abysmal pit, you'd never hit the floor! yeah... its true...
all the stars and boulevards ain't close enough for you...

the first half of two thousand and seven was all about an endless craving for the bachelor's for him (whatever! i'm talking about the graduation degree, you!!!), which quite mockingly has still not arrived. he has met quite a few very interesting people this year. some expected. some accepted. and some, just excepted. he might just take a resolution. now that, is unexpected!

this other lady tells him that 'men are dogs', then she tells him 'men always like blondes... and blondes are dumb', no wonder then, that every blonde has a pet dog, around which she can get drunk and dance. and quite interestingly enough, he just predicted how an ex-couple would patch up on this last day of 2007 as this last day is so speacially emotional for couples and especially for all exes. it eej the EX effect!

beharhaal, he's had a good year, yeah a pretty good one. the degree, the job, the new city, the parties, the stress, the moods, the people, the transitions, the falling-in and falling back-off... o humdum suniyo re

as much as he liked the year, he'd not want to party on the ultimate day. he likes it different. the whole world would be partying out. there would be no place for even the nails to peep out. how about a night-out at his home, or a friend's... with something to drink, something to listen and something to talk about! conversations take no time to begin with him around, but rest assured, they take a long time to end. you think you know him, think again! well, you probably knew him all along...

although, he'd like to change the way he lives, he's still liking it. perhaps, things somehow find a way to just even themselves out. like he looks younger than he is, but he sounds older than he is. he's is not in a fix. you get some, you lose some. it's just another way of evening things out. by the way, what are you doing this evening? would you... uhmm!

he thinks. he believes. he feels. he’s humorous. he’s calm. he’s quiet. he’s talkative. he’s in good shape. he’s a foodie. he's a quaint young thing. he's not much into movies. he's fine. he’s on orkut!

yet again, he does not know why does he write... it's only after he does, he finds a meaning in it. it's been a while though, since he had been at it. and its always a good way to vent things out of you, he feels. he's a laid-back character. sometimes just a little too laid-back for his own good. he's a gem of a character... one of his favourite chocolates is gems, and he's proud to announce that. he’d like his name to be remembered for ages to come. he’d want to be a revolutionist, cause he believes there are far too less in that category, especially in the present age.

these seem like the last few lines of the post. all-in-all, he owes to life, which's given him so much. there's always so much to learn from it. he's high on life. you bet, he is. being humdinger, is not, after a whole lot all, an easy task. everyday is exactly the same... it's you who make the difference. hutch is now vodafone. airtel still remains. one day, koi bhi apne naam se nahi jaana jayega. ;)

i guess the subject and the narrator of this post were the two same men. the good young man. the humdinger.

up high i feel like i'm alive for the very first time...
up high i'm strong enough to take these dreams and make them mine!

an autobiography...

...from him to him!

and finally... he'd like to do it in the traditional way...

"a very happy new year to all of you"

BYE BYE 2007...WELCOME 2008! rofl